New In-Office Milling Technology Cranks Out Same-Day Crowns

July 21, 2023

What is the Glidewell™ Crown Mill?

Glidewell has been making waves in dentistry since 1970. From creating materials to manufacturing devices, Glidewell’s mission is simple: to help as many dental professionals and patients as possible. The Glidewell™ is a crown mill that designs and fabricates a new or replacement crown in-office. Dr. Anantuni is excited about this new technology because she recognizes its benefits for patients.

What Are the Main Benefits of In-Office Milling?

Imagine this scenario - you have just received your temporary crown on Friday and are happy to be heading home after a long day of work. On Saturday, you decide to make some popcorn and stream a movie. But alas, halfway into the film, you bite down on a nasty kernel and crack your crown! The dentist’s office does not open until Monday, so you have a grueling weekend ahead filled with pain and sensitivity, which could have been prevented by receiving your permanent crown. Now, that is entirely possible, and there are other benefits to this technology, too:

1.      Convenient, Fast, and Easy-to-Use

It typically takes two to two and a half hours from the time the patient is seen until the procedure is complete. If patients prefer to run errands during this time, our office can put on a temporary crown until the new one is ready. Instead of waiting three weeks, patients pay the same price for same-day placement.

2.      Keeps Patients Comfortable

In-office milling helps keep patients comfortable. For patients requiring single crowns, it can eliminate the need for a temporary one. Receiving a permanent crown benefits the patient because temporary crowns are not as strong, and patients can suffer sensitivity if the tooth is still alive. Dentists can mill multiple crowns within one to two business days, which is still a significant improvement compared to three weeks.

3.      Helps Patients Get What They Need the First Time

The Glidewell allows dentists to design and fabricate crowns with patients still in the chair. If it is not a perfect fit, the dentist can make changes to the design module, and another crown is milled in approximately 15-45 minutes, depending on the crown material.

4.      Integrates with the iTero Scanner for a Custom Fit

Do you remember Dr. Anantuni’s iTero Scanner? The iTero Scanner scans the tooth that needs a crown, then the Glidewell takes in the data. The result is a custom crown designed just for you!

5.      Produces Stronger, More Durable Crowns

AFD’s new milling machine works with newer materials, like zirconia, nanohybrid composites, and lithium silicate ceramic. For example, Glidewell’s BruxZir® Zirconia creates strong crowns ideal for teeth-grinders.

Get Back to Life Faster with Same-Day Crowns

With Anantuni Family Dental’s latest acquisition, you can leave our office with a smile on your face. Whereas the process of getting a new or replacement crown used to be drawn out and somewhat painful, we can have your new crown ready before you ever leave our office. We care about the health and wellness of our patients, so stay tuned to learn about Ananuni Family Dental’s latest dental tech! In the meantime, if you are experiencing any tooth pain or sensitivity, do not hesitate to contact our Chandler office.

Contact Us

Anantuni Family Dental
5590 W. Chandler Blvd. #1 Chandler, AZ 85226
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